Well where do I even begin? So much has happened this week. It has been the longest week on my mission so far and by far the most stressful. I found out on Tuesday that I would be training a new missionary. I think that I have known for a while now. I believe that the spirit was preparing me because it is so overwhelming. So on Thursday I got my new companion and her name is Sister Bird. She is from Idaho Falls and we are serving in the Visitors' Center together and in a new area. It is so crazy because I went from little Temple View to this huge area in town. I am so excited though because we actually have people to teach but I am still in the Visitors' Center. It is like the best of both worlds. I have to say though that this week has had its fair share of challenges. First of all let me say that I am learning so much about myself. I have learned that I don't adapt well to change. I have found myself the past few days wishing things could go back to the way they were. I honestly wanted to go back to Temple View and have all the sisters in the VC again. Oh that's another thing, out of the seven sisters that were in the VC before transfers only three are left and then there is Sister Bird. We only have two companionships serving here instead of the four so that has been a major adjustment. I guess this mission is going to teach me so much more about myself than I originally thought. I don't know why but I have really struggled with this transfer. Not only did a lot of my friends leave but I was then asked to train a new missionary. I guess I just don't feel qualified or worthy to do that. I barely know what I am doing. But I know that the Lord will help me through it. I have been praying really hard and I can already see Him blessing my life.
Sister Bird is great. I really love her and I can tell that we are going to have a lot of fun together. We get along really well. I am blessed to have her as my companion. We moved into a new flat and we are living with three other sisters. It is pretty crazy sometimes. Sister McLemore, who I was in the MTC with, is training two sisters and we are living with them. Our flat though is really nice and we have made it all work even though we only have an hour to get ready with five sisters and one bathroom.
Thursday after transfers I was feeling like there was no way I was going to be able to do what has been asked of me and so I asked Elder McLaughlan (the VC director) to give me a blessing and he gave me the sweetest blessing. It really made me feel so much better. It made me think though that it was like a fathers' blessing that I got before starting a new school year and because you couldn't be here Dad, Elder McLaughlan was sweet enough to stand in for you. I really really love him and Sister Mclaughlan so much. They are so amazing. They also went grocery shopping for us our first night because we didn't have any food. They really take care of us. Mom you should email him and tell him thank you for taking care of me. I know that he would really appreciate that. Someday you are going to have to meet them though. They are seriously the best. Sister McLaughlan said that they would drive down from Canada for my wedding so hopefully you can meet them then (assuming I get married someday).
Another huge challenge that I went through this week started on Thursday when my new zone leader handed me some car keys and said "Here are the keys to your car. Good luck." Now they drive on the left side of the road here and all the traffic signs and everything is different so I was terrified. The first time I got in the car to drive I about cried it was so scary. Its a good thing that Sister Bird is a great navigator because I still have no idea where anything is. She also is great at reminding me that I am supposed to be on the other side of the road. We have only had one really close call and that was when we were driving at night in the rain and I couldn't tell where to go to get into the round about and I accidentally went into the oncoming traffic lane but then there was a median so there was no way I could get out. I almost panicked but then I just pulled into this driveway and we were okay. There weren't any cars coming either and I know that was Heavenly Father watching out because it is usually one of the busiest roads in Hamilton. So after that I haven't made any more mistakes. Oh man I still can't believe I am driving here. It is so scary. But I am sure that by this time next week I will be completely used to it. I hope...
So another crazy thing this week... Sister Bird and I were taking chats when I started to get really dizzy. At the same time though Sister Bird said that she was dizzy all of the sudden. I thought it was weird that we were dizzy at the same time but then I remembered the last time that Sister Whiting was dizzy it was an earthquake so I got really excited and I told Sister Bird that we were in an earthquake. It was the craziest thing because I could see the ground under us moving and the computer was rocking back and forth. It was really cool! I am happy that I noticed this one. I guess the really earthquake took place somewhere south of us and we just got the after shock of it. I still can't get over how cool it was. Its cool now but anything worse would have been really scary. It was funny too because right after it happened I walked into the break room and on the couch one of the workers from the distribution center was laying down and telling everyone that she didn't know what was wrong she just felt dizzy for a second. So I explained that it was an earthquake and the girl that was laying down jumped up and said "Well I guess I am fine then!" It was pretty funny.
So a very interesting week in deed but it is all good. Yesterday I was feeling really overwhelmed and I prayed for strength to do this and I also prayed that we would find a new investigator. So we went to church and on of the less actives that the last sisters were with came and she brought her friend. In Gospel Principles we were able to teach her and it was so amazing. The spirit was so strong! The less-active and her friend were both crying by the end and the friend said that she wants to be taught! So we have a lesson scheduled with her tonight and I can't wait. It is just so cool that Heavenly Father answered my prayers just like that. I have a feeling that Sister Bird and I are going to do amazing things here. It is just so exciting!
Anyways I love all of you so much! Have a great week!
Love, Maquel
This is me and Sister Bird!
Look at me driving :)
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